Rocker Soles: Pros, Cons, and the 6 Special Types of Rockers

Running on treadmill wearing running shoes with rocker soles. Walking shoes and the 6 types of rocker soles.

Rocker soles are an integral component of any modern walking or running shoe. While there are many features to look for in a “walking shoe,” we’re going to be examining specifically the rocker sole. What is a rocker sole? Well, there are six variations to consider, but essentially, the common feature is that they add…

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Advice for Plantar Fasciitis Relief: What It Is and How You Can Get Rid of It, 5 Questions to Ask Yourself

plantar fasciitis and some advice for treating it

Often, people ask whether conditions like Plantar Fasciitis (PF) will ever get better. Plantar fasciitis is simply inflammation (-itis) of the plantar fascia (connective tissue supporting the arch of your foot). It is a syndrome that can be caused by several factors, but ultimately a culmination overuse and abuse of the arch in your foot.…

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